Artikel mit dem Tag "Lego Serious Play Workshop"

Lego Serious Play Workshops · 14. Februar 2018
Welchen Einfluss üben Zukunftsfaktoren und Megatrends auf Ihr Geschäftsmodell, Produktpalette oder Services? Modertorinnen: Sybille Fuchs von Carpe Futurum [] Agnès Wiegand von MULTISENSING+ []

Lego Serious Play Workshops · 28. Januar 2018
MULTISENSING+ in collaboration and hosted by the BUSINESS CLUB FRANKFRUT TOASTMASTERS moderated a Lego Serious Play Workshop last Saturday on January 27th in Frankfurt!

Lego Serious Play Workshops · 18. Dezember 2017
Lego Serious Play meets Leadership! A workshop moderated by MULTISENSING+ in collaboration with and hosted by the Business Club Frankfurt Toastmasters.

Lego Serious Play Workshops · 02. Oktober 2017
Do you have a clear personal business goal? No?! No worries, you are not the only one! We had a great Lego® Serious Play® Workshop this Saturday about personal business goals and perspectives. Four hours filled with different working levels/thoughts, treating the essence of 'My Business World'. An easy step for some, but it was also a challenge to others as it took them out of their comfort zone. Brick by brick, those who thought didn't have a clue about their goals, were able... to start...