'The best of Neuroscience' presented by AFNB* in Berlin last Saturday took us through the latest findings in neuroscience.
We were about 350 intrigued brains in the room, trying to figure out what our brain is doing!
Six great speakers took us through the adventure of brain neurons, the role of dopamine (motivation/reward), about how we learn and why exercise and 'daydream' are so important for a good working brain.
The whole ended with a fascinating demonstration of the secrets of non-verbal communication by T. Havener (German mentalist, magician, bestseller author).
* (Akademie für neurowissenschaftliches Bildungsmanagement)
Here are first personal highlights I'd like to share with you!

"Hack your dopamine system!"
What Dr. R. Moore (speaker, motivations expert) means here is to help yourself increase your intrinsic motivation. Dopamine is highly important for your central nervous system and interlinked with the 'rewarding-system'. When released, dopamine tells the brain that whatever it just experienced is worth getting more of it! For example, you release dopamine when eating a piece of chocolate or when checking you To-Do list!
Thus, if you have a big goal, cut it down to 'baby steps'. Why? Because smaller steps are easier to achieve. Each time you'll tick your list, the dopamine release will motivate you to go for the next steps. That's how you move on!
Look for little things you can achieve each day that make you feel good.

"Making no mistakes = remaining learn-resistent!"
Prof. Dr. Dr. O. Güntürkün (Professor of Biopsychology) held a great presentation showing how our neurons build and connect to increase knowledge. I personally loved his strong message about the importance of making mistakes! It's all about expectations and predictions.
When we do something, we usually expect/predict an outcome. Learning is all about making prediction mistakes. Here is why:
1) Outcome surpasses expectations? You have a prediction mistake! => unexpected positive surprise
=> YOU LEARN (neurons make new connections)
2) Outcome misses expectations? You have a prediction mistake! => unexpected negative surprise
=> YOU LEARN (neurons make new connections)
3) Outcome is in line with expectations? You have no prediction mistake. => no surprise
=> YOU DON'T LEARN (neurons don't make new connections)
Failure-Culture is not just a trend! Making mistakes means growing faster!
Don't miss!
In my next blog you will get insights about why exercise is so important and what FOMO really means.
Agnès Wiegand,
Sensory Branding Consultant | Researcher | Insights Expert
Creative Thinking Workshops |Certified Lego® Serious Play® Facilitator