"Your expectations, more than anything else in life, determine your reality."
Dr. Travis Bradberry, Coauthor EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE 2.0 & President at TalentSmart, wrote this sentence about the importance of expectations when it comes to achieving personal goals. He places this in the context of how limiting beliefs or expectations can hold you back from creating your own success (see '8 unrealistic expectations that hold you back').
When I read this statement, I immediately related it to the context of sensory branding & product design.
If my years of consumer research & insights for FMCG companies showed me one stable constant, it was the fact that successful products had definitely one thing in common: a holistic sensory synergy. Or simply: "what you see is what you get!"
Consumers' Product Expectations (CPE) determine the reality of the Consumer's Product Perception (CPP).
If CPE = CPP then you are on the safe side of success, but if not... you could belong to the 85% of products that are taken off the market shortly after their launch!
What happens in consumers' (subconscious) minds is fairly simple:

Because our brain cannot distinguish imaginary from real (Neuroscience), consumers immediately like or dislike a product they experience, essentially based on their product expectation.

Thus, going back to Dr. Travis' introductory sentence one can say in a similar way;
'Your product expectation determines your product reality!'
MULTISENSING+, Agnès Wiegand, Sensory Branding Consultant | Insights Expert | Researcher
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