
The Climate Change Dachshund!

Lego Serious Play WOrkshop, MILTISENSING+, Agnès Wiegand
Theme card:' CLIMATE CHANGE: a sign of the green revolution'

When, at our Future Playshop, the participant randomly connected five (random) bricks, she just built the first thing that came to mind. 

It's only when she received the theme-card 'CLIMATE CHANGE: a sign of the green revolution' that she quickly had to give her Lego-Model a meaning and explain it. Within seconds the 'Climate Change Dachshund' was born! 

"The Lego® Serious Play® methodology allows you to visualize theoretical considerations in an amazingly good way and thus somehow make them real. And suddenly there is a colorful prototype for your idea! It's a lot of fun and inspires me to do more!", said Ira after the Workshop.

Lego Serious Play. MULTISENSING+, Agnès Wiegand
Photographer: Jan Jacob Hofmann
Lego Serious Play, MULTISENSING+, Agnès Wiegand
The story of the Climate Change Dachshund

Lego® Serious Play® (LSP), a methodology that awakens all our creative potential!

Just give it a try and you'll be amazed! 


Agnès Wiegand,

Sensory Branding Consultant | Researcher | Insights Expert

Certified Lego® Serious Play® Facilitator